Kuhn Equipment, Service Unmatched

Troy Wagner fully understands the value of time when it comes to running and maintaining a successful dairy farm.
Wagner is a partner in Jagiello Dairy Farm LLC, a third generation, 700-head Holstein operation in Lena, Wis. In addition to the cows, Wagner, along with his brother-in-laws Bruce and Duane Jagiello, own 1,000 acres of crop land and rent an additional 1,200 acres where they grow hay, corn and soybeans.
As the partner in charge of feeding the herd (Bruce manages the crops and Duane is the lead herdsman), Wagner spends his days mixing and feeding – five batches and two feedings a day to be exact.
That’s why Jagiello Dairy recently purchased a KUHN Knight VT 1100 TMR mixer – to help them mix sizeable rations consisting of corn silage, haylage, dry corn, high moisture corn, baled hay and protein.
“Feeding is less time consuming because the mixer is bigger."
Another feature he really likes about the mixer is how well it handles round bales.
“You can put a whole bale in if you want – a big bale – and it’ll grind it right up."
He says the farm invested in the VT 1100 because they wanted to be proactive in preventing equipment malfunctions and serious maintenance requirements.
In addition to its ability to mix large loads, Wagner appreciates the ease in operating the VT 1100.
“It seems to run smoother because of its design, it seems to need less horsepower and lower RPM to run."
Wagner has also noticed a change in the quality of the rations.
“I like the way the vertical mixer mixes. It’s a more uniform mix. The mixer just runs smooth and makes my life easier."
An additional feature that the Jagiello team purchased on their mixer was a scale indicator with a remote display. This option allows Wagner to feed and fill without having to constantly adjust the monitor.
“I don’t have to keep moving the scale when I’m filling the mixer to see what I’m doing."
Along with the VT 1100 – which Wagner fully admits is his favorite – Jagiello Dairy also owns two other pieces of KUHN equipment: a KUHN Knight 8132 Slinger manure spreader and a KUHN GA 4521 GTH Gyrorake that was purchased new this past spring. When their previous rake was destroyed in a highway collision, Wagner says he and his partners knew exactly where to go to replace it - Steve Carlin at their local KUHN dealership, Beaver Machine in Coleman, Wis.
Wagner and Carlin went to school together, Wagner explains, and they have had a wonderful working relationship ever since.
“We’ve dealt with him for years now. He’s a good guy - he’ll try to help you on anything you need."
Beaver Machine is an exceptional and reliable dealer, Wagner says, noting that if someone needs help, they will do everything they can for you. That kind of quality service and attention to detail has held true for all of the KUHN equipment that Jagiello Dairy Farm LLC has purchased from Beaver Machine – and what keeps them going back.
Wagner believes that Carlin, Beaver Machine, and KUHN all provide superior products and services.
“They’ve been really good. I really like their products. It’s (the VT 1100) a well-made piece of equipment and they hold up well. I have very little problems with them."
Wagner also feels that KUHN equipment has an exceptional value financially.
“They are reasonable in price compared to some of the other companies. I would look at KUHN products instead of jumping on something else."
As for the future, Wagner says that Jagiello Dairy Farm LLC will look first to KUHN products when purchasing new equipment. The farm might be in the market for a new spreader soon.
“There is always a wish list."