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We are always interested in what you, our customers, have to say about your experience with KUHN equipment. Now there is a place on our website where you can share your story with us!

KUHN Wins World Raking Record Banner

KUHN Sets World Record

KUHN is pleased to announce that on August 26, 2019 the first ever-raking world record was achieved by raking 467 acres in 8 hours using a KUHN GA 15131 quad-rotor rotary rake. KUHN’s GA 15131 raked 58.4 acres per hour to establish the record.

KUHN and RAUCH Test Facility - Group

KUHN and RAUCH Open New Test Facility in Germany

As a proud partner of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program, KUHN is excited to announce it will soon be opening the ag industry’s most advanced fertilizer application testing facility, in conjunction with our fertilizer spreader manufacturing partner, RAUCH.



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KUHN Knight manure spreader coupon
Until July 11, 2025 Spread and Save Up to $6,000 off select KUHN mowers & mower conditioners SAVE NOW