Demmer Family Farm, LLC Trusts the KUHN FC 4060 TCR Mower Conditioner for its Durability and Longevity

Russ Demmer and his family are no strangers to using KUHN and KUHN Knight equipment on their family farm.
“KUHN has been out there a long time and proven their name to us time and time again,” said Demmer.
The farm currently owns and operates a GF 5202 THA rotary tedder, a SR 600 GII SpeedRake® wheel rake, a ProPush 2044 vertical beater manure spreader and a 3130 Reel TMR mixer.
Demmer along with his brother, mom and dad operate Demmer Family Farm, LLC in Dubuque, Iowa. Together, the family raises over 1,200 beef cattle and 3,200 hogs a year while also growing corn and hay.
Thanks to Demmer’s positive experiences with KUHN equipment in the past, the farm decided to purchase an FC 4060 TCR trailed mower conditioner.
“I’d always had competitor mower conditioners in the past. After talking with a fellow producer who had a KUHN, that’s when I was really sold on purchasing one,” explained Demmer, “He told me for over ten years his KUHN mower was bullet proof.”
After learning more about the mower conditioner from other producers and having a discussion with his family, the decision to purchase the mower conditioner for their operation was made.
After several seasons, Demmer continues to be proud of his purchasing decision.
“The machine does a good job cutting wise and is extremely durable in the conditions that we are working in,” stated Demmer.
The FC TC Series mower conditioners are known for their high-capacity, precise conditioning and fast consistent drydown as being a key to high-quality forage. However, there are two prominent features Demmer is very fond of on his FC 4060 TCR mower conditioner.
“The feature I really like on the machine is the cutterbar,” stated Demmer.
The Optidisc® cutterbar is an important and innovative feature on the FC 4060 TCR. The cutterbar requires no break-in oil change or scheduled maintenance for the life of the machine. It has a flat profile allowing the crop to move through quickly for a smooth flow even in heavy, difficult conditions.
“The cutterbar has a nice low profile for cutting down or lodged hay. A lot of times hay may be hard to pick up with it so close to the ground, but you can adjust the cutterbar to fit your needs and get the most accurate cut possible,” explained Demmer.
The cutterbar is not the only prominent feature on KUHN FC TC series mower conditioners. These machines also feature one of three types of conditioning/roller systems including either a DigiDry® finger conditioner, Diamond Block® rubber conditioning roller or DoubleCrimp™ steel roller.
Demmer uses a Diamond Block® rubber conditioning roller on his FC 4060 TCR mower conditioner.
“We’ve always had rubber on rubber rollers for our mower conditioners. It’s hard to go away from something you’ve always had good luck with in the past,” said Demmer in regard to the Diamond Block rubber rollers.
KUHN’s Diamond Block conditioning rollers stand out from the competition as the only rubber roller set designed exclusively for the disc mower. The horizontal staggered diamond pattern gives more points for the crop to be crimped as it flows off the disc at angle.
With these features on his FC 4060 TCR, Demmer is proud to work with his dealer, J.P. Scherrman, Inc., in Farley, Iowa, to assist him with all his KUHN machinery needs.
“Scherrman’s is only five minutes away from me. It’s always a plus service-wise when you have people close by, especially when you’re in need of parts or assistance with your machine,” explained Demmer, “They’ve been in business a long time. They have a good customer relationship with us and other farmers in our area too.”
Thanks to Demmer’s experiences with his KUHN equipment and dealer, he strongly recommends KUHN equipment to his fellow producers.
“KUHN machinery is durable, made to get used and lasts a long time. The company has been around quite a while and is willing to adapt their machines to meet producer’s needs both now and going forward, which is a huge benefit to me as a producer.”