KUHN Knight SLC 132 ProTwin® Slinger® Pleases Michigan Dairy Farmer

Leroy Schafer of Westphalia, Mich., depends on KUHN Knight ProTwin® Slinger® manure spreaders to efficiently meet the spreading demands of his 300-head dairy operation.
Leroy Schafer is the owner and manager of Jem-Lot Dairy, located in Westphalia, Mich. Jem-Lot Dairy has a mix of Holsteins and a few Jersey cows. The operation has 300 dairy cattle total. The farm has been in existence for six generations and sits on 350 acres, where Schafer grows corn and soybeans. Schafer started on the farm full time in 1992 and currently has five part-time employees who help with milking. Schafer’s wife, three children and uncle also help out on the operation. Schafer’s plans for the dairy are to expand the farm and hopefully pass it on to the 7th generation.
Recently, Schafer built a new free stall barn and implemented the PocketDairy application onto his smartphone.
“We have the ability to track information on every cow and every heifer in our herd. We can see where the cow is at in her lactation, if she is pregnant or not, or if she is going to go dry. It is really convenient to have all the information at your disposal."
Schafer is the proud owner of a KUHN GA 4120 rotary rake and two KUHN Knight ProTwin® Slinger® manure spreaders. After seeing his success with the KUHN Knight 8124, Schafer decided to purchase his second KUHN Knight manure spreader, an SLC 132 ProTwin Slinger Commercial Series manure spreader.
“The 8124 is 13 years old and still running great. The longevity of the spreaders is definitely what has kept us with KUHN."
The KUHN Knight ProTwin Slinger manure spreader has been well-known for its reliable service and long life, making them a great investment.
Schafer hoped the SLC 132 would match those same expectations to meet the demanding needs of his expanding dairy, and so far it has.
“The SLC 132 has allowed us to be more efficient in the way that we handle the manure in a large capacity. We can move more manure and do a better job of spreading it on the fields."
The KUHN Knight SLC manure spreaders set the standard for fast and efficient spreading. These machines provide the ideal combination of efficiency, versatility and rugged durability. The SLC 132 manure spreaders can handle a diverse set of needs.
The continuously welded V-body tank will hold both wet and dry materials. From soupy manure, to semi-solids, separated solids, compost, bedding pack, mulch and many other materials, the ProTwin Slinger Spreader can fit the needs of your operation.
“The SLC 132 is versatile. It can handle anything from waste water to the hardest pen pack. The machine is also a nice size. It’s not too big that you can’t pair it with a smaller horsepower tractor."
The wide discharge provides fast unloading to maximize spreading efficiency. The new discharge design allows increased adjustability to help ensure more consistent, even spreading throughout the lifetime of the machine. Optional scales provide accurate application and tracking of applied nutrients. New hammers are designed for less wear and longer life.
“The hammers are working well on the SLC 132 and I haven’t had a problem. The SLC gives us a nice, even spread. I really like that all the drives are located in one spot in the front. The drives are easy to view and the location saves you from having to go to the front and back of the machine."
Schafer purchased his SLC 132 manure spreader from Nick McConnell at McConnell Farm Supply, Inc. located in Rosebush, Mich.
“We have had a really great relationship ever since we started dealing with Nick. It is great working with McConnell’s. They are personable – they know who you are. I am very happy with the SLC 132, and I would recommend KUHN equipment to fellow farmers."