Golden Giveaway Winners Appreciate the Simple and Durable Design of Their New KUHN GMD 280 Disc Mower

Not all farm machinery customers begin their journeys the same way. Some buy used equipment and become enthusiasts after their experience with the machine. Others demo machines on their operations to make sure they get the best piece of equipment to suit their needs. Some customers are already loyal to KUHN for its durability, reliability and longevity. And there are some who have acquired their machine in a more unique way…
Jared and Kaitlyn Basehoar from Littestown, Pa., were not your traditional KUHN customers. Kaitlyn won a new disc mower for her family’s farm in early 2017 when she was selected as the winner of the first “Golden Giveaway,” KUHN’s promotion celebrating its 50th anniversary of pioneering and continually innovating disc mower technology. The Basehoars had a choice of either receiving a free KUHN GMD 280 disc mower or $10,000 to use toward purchasing another KUHN disc mower or mower conditioner model.
“We chose that [GMD 280 disc mower] instead of the money because at the time, we needed a mower that could easily navigate around the small fields we have on our operation,” explained Jared Basehoar, Kaitlyn’s husband, and primary operator of the GMD 280 on their farm.
Jared is the 5th generation to work on his family’s Crystal Spring Farm, located about 100 miles west of Philadelphia. His father, Millard, is the farm’s primary owner. Together with his Dad, they grow soybeans, corn, hay, wheat, and straw, as well as sell beef. He was able to operate the disc mower throughout the 2017 haying season.
“After running the mower, I’ve noticed how easy it is to use and how smooth it cuts in order to help us create well-formed windrows which are easy for us to harvest,” explained Basehoar.
The KUHN GMD Premium Series mowers, which include the GMD 280, offer increased durability and simple operation. The GMD 280 has a working width of 9’2”. Special attention was paid to optimize structural strength to provide operators with low maintenance costs. One of the main features Basehoar has taken notice of on the machine is the cutterbar.
“The cutterbar cuts the crop smooth and even. It’s easy to use in our smaller fields. I can usually fly around on the tractor while using the mower,” explained Basehoar.
The KUHN heavy-duty 100 Series cutterbar withstands the highest loads. The special high-capacity bearings, fitted into one-piece sealed housings, are not subject to distortion. The disc pinion shaft bearings endure radial forces for maximum bearing life. The cutterbar is a key component of the mower, but there are other features Basehoar really likes:
“We use the mower to cut alfalfa and grass. The mower drops down easily, it’s simple to maneuver around and has a really tough structure,” stated Basehoar.
The lift and suspension system on the GMD 280 disc mower allows both the cutterbar and the inner shoe to be raised off the ground using only the mower’s hydraulic cylinder, simplifying operation and increasing productivity.
Due to the overall simplicity and speed of their disc mower, there’s no doubt that the Basehoars will keep mowing with their KUHN GMD 280 for years to come.