KUHN Sets World Record
KUHN is pleased to announce that on August 26, 2019 the first ever-raking world record was achieved by raking 467 acres in 8 hours using a KUHN GA 15131 quad-rotor rotary rake. KUHN’s GA 15131 raked 58.4 acres per hour to establish the record.

The record setting event took place on a dairy farm owned by the Skeldal Family in the central Jutland region of Denmark. A representative from the DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts Gesellschaft) Institute was on hand to certify the record. The representative carried out several measurements relating to the record including time, area and quality of work. The representative also collected samples to confirm the rake was producing a high quality windrow. The DLG will publish a technical report with the characteristics of the rake performance including windrow profile, loss, and forage quality.
The KUHN GA 15131 quad-rotor rotary rake offers large farms and commercial operators the ultimate capacity in a rotary rake. The uniform windrows it creates provides high performance for operators seeking highly productive machines. With working widths ranging from 31’ 2” to 48’ 3”, this rotary rake provides not only high work rates, but also high flexibility and superior working quality.
Click here to learn more about the GA 15131 quad-rotor rotary rake.
To see how the world record was achieved, visit our Kuhn North America Facebook channel to watch a video showcasing the event.
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