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Do you own KUHN equipment? If so, be sure to sign up for MyKUHN and receive a number of benefits from the new online customer portal.

KUHN Krause Interceptor 8055

High-Speed Conservation Tillage

The KUHN Krause Interceptor® 8055, your high-speed solution for residue management, weed control and seedbed creation.

MyKUHN the link of my success

New MyKUHN portal New online customer portal where you can have quick access to operator manuals, spare parts catalogs and expert advice. Subscribe now.

KUHN Optimum Savings Coupon
Until June 6, 2025 Optimum Savings Up to $10,000 off select KUHN Optimer L & XL Tillage Machines SAVE NOW
KUHN Parts

KUHN PARTS Unmatched Service from KUHN to you. With Genuine KUHN Parts, you can be sure that you’re investing in quality...

A wide choice of agricultural machinery

Agricultural requirements are constantly changing and the demand for quality products and services continues to increase.
KUHN strives to ensure the availability of the best machines to meet the changing agricultural demands. KUHN is dedicated to serving agriculture with quality products, parts and service.

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Customer Spotlight

  • Testimonial
    Greg Risseeuw Farmer

    “We haul so many bushels. I’ve got one barn that holds 200 head. With my old spreader, it used to take eight loads to clean out and now with this larger Slinger we can clean it in six.”

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  • Mike Williams testimonials KUHN
    Mike Williams Amana, Iowa

    “The Landsman does a really nice job in the spring leveling and preparing the seedbed, it is just really suitable for planting. They really outshine some of the competitors out there. KUHN Krause machines are designed to do exactly what they say they will do: prepare soil, leave a beautiful seedbed, and break-up compaction.”

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